For ages 11 - 16.
We use material from an organisation called Ministry Ark.
Ministry Ark focuses on Bible teaching and how the children can apply it to their own lives.
DAY: Thursday
TIME: 7pm
Wildfire is our discipleship group which runs weekly and focuses on the growth and development of our young peoples walk with God.
We do this through Bible study, prayer, worship and fellowship.

With our young people eager to step up in the Church, we like to occasionally give them space to share about their faith, what God is doing in their lives or even leading worship.
This always leaves the Church blessed and our young people growing in their gifting's.
One of the highlights of the year at The Beacon is the Undaunted Christian summer camp. Hosted near Thirsk in Yorkshire over the last bank holiday in May.
Camp is an amazing time where our young people are given the opportunity to make new like-minded friends from other youth groups. Experience God in a different setting and grow! The meetings are made up of a whacky games, relevant discussion times on the challenges young people may face, Worship, some teaching and ministry times. For more info click here: